Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What A Drag

The Jesuit-run Loyola University of Chicago again hosted an annual drag show on the university campus last week, featuring a lineup of crossdressers and inviting students to “question why gender is rigidly controlled.”
Link (here) to LifeSite 
Pictures on the groups Facebook page (here)
More from the Cardinal Newman Society (here)


  1. "Since they refused to see it as rational to acknowledge God, God has left them to their own irrational ideas and to their monstrous behavior” (Romans 1:28).

  2. "That God should have endowed, what adjective could I use, weak human beings with so much power and so much poverty. But it is precisely because of this – what I call the scandal of Christ's giving so much to such little people that those of us who are not priests should beg daily the Living God to strengthen this weakness in His priests so that they might be – I don’t say worthy of their office – no one is worthy of his priesthood but that they might not impede the work of the Master who wants to save the world – that is why He died on the cross – but through them. We priests need to hear such language so that we might not be seduced by the world around us and not crushed by the evil spirit whose machinations – so the modern folks are saying – whose demonic machinations are mainly aimed at the Catholic Priesthood, because if as we have seen without the priesthood there cannot be Christianity left on earth. If human beings forget this, the devil does not. He knows as the priesthood goes so goes the Church. Pray that the Christ who ordained might keep us that we might not impede the work of salvation He has put into our most unworthy but priestly hands".
    --John Hardon SJ

  3. The show sounds like fun! Will they be wearing all the getup of pre-Vatican II clerics

  4. I hope you will remove the anonymous comment above, Frommage. I suspect it was written by a latter-day Jesuit scholastic.

  5. I hope you will remove the anonymous comment above, Frommage. I suspect it was written by a latter-day Jesuit scholastic.

  6. Given the amount of man-lace priests wear, I don't see the difference between that and a drag show.


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