Friday, November 25, 2011

Fr. John Dear, S.J., "Beate Stolte Will Lead Us In Sitting Meditation"

Beate Stolte
I've been invited over the years to give Dharma lectures at Upaya Zen Center, a gorgeous Buddhist peace and meditation center in Santa Fe. Recently, Upaya Zen Center invited Natalie Goldberg and me to offer a weekend retreat together on writing and peacemaking. The date is set for April 27-April 29, 2012, and we're calling it The End of War, the Beginning of Peace: The Life and Practice of Creative Nonviolence. Along with the Upaya director and Buddhist leader Sensei Beate Stolte, we will explore the journey from violence to nonviolence, examining its different aspects in our interior lives, our interpersonal relationships (family, friends, work) and our efforts with grassroots justice and disarmament movements. I will offer reflections on these areas of nonviolence while Natalie will lead timed writing exercises for us to journal about our experiences and thoughts on violence and nonviolence. Throughout the weekend, Beate Stolte will lead us in sitting meditation in the magnificent meditation hall. We will have time for silence, small and large group discussion, and shared peace.
Link (here) to NCR fishwrapper to read the full blog post by Fr. John Dear, S.J.

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