Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Cardinal And Fordham's Sr. Johnson

US Cardinal Donald Wuerl's assertion that invitations to meet with Sister Elizabeth Johnson about her book went unanswered are "demonstrably and blatantly false", she said in a message to the cardinal, reports NCR Online. The letter, first obtained by Commonweal and posted on its blog, is a reply to a news release on October 28, posted on the bishops' website. The release claims Cardinal Wuerl, who is the head of the bishops' doctrine committee, attempted to meet with Sr Johnson three times since the committee publicly critiqued her book, Quest for the Living God, last spring, but that Johnson "did not respond to any of the offers." In her letter to the cardinal, Johnson says she is "aghast at the accusation you make in the USCCB website post that I have not responded to any of the offers to meet." 
"I never received an offer to meet at a definite time or with a protocol or agenda that would ensure serious discussion of the issues in my book.
If I had, I would have accepted immediately," writes Johnson.
Link (here) CathNews

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