Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rausch To The Rescue

Fr. Thomas Rausch, S.J.
In "Occupy the Catholic Church!", while responding to a monumentally silly piece on the blog of the Jesuit weekly America, I wrote that "The Jesuits used to understand that 'practice-based theologies' is redundant; any true theology implies practice." (The author of the post Thomas Beaudoin is an associate professor of theology at Fordham University who lists "practice-based theologies" as his academic field.) I'm glad to say that there are some Jesuits who still do understand that true theology implies practice--and, just as importantly, what kind of practice true theology implies--and one of them is Thomas Rausch, S.J., the T. Marie Chilton Professor of Catholic Theology at Loyola Marymount University. Happily, his discussion of this fact can be found on America's website as well. In response to an article entitled "Beyond Catechesis" by Michael G. Lawler and Todd A. Salzman, Father Rausch laments that fact that Lawler and Salzman have no sense

Link (here) to read  the full blog post by Scott P. Richert at Theology and Practice

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