Thursday, October 20, 2011

Father Jerald Linder, S.J. "Trial Delayed"

"We've had some settling snags and we're not going to be starting," said Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Vicki Gemetti. The reason for the delay is that defendant William Lynch's attorney, Pat Harris, with the Los Angeles-based law firm of Geragos & Geragos, is involved in another trial, according to Gemetti. "We don't have all the players so we need to reset it for a date that is actually going to work." The parties will now convene on Oct. 28 in Santa Clara County Superior Court in San Jose to set a new trial date, Gemetti added. Realistically, the trial could begin early next year, Gemetti said, adding that she was just guessing and foreseeing scheduling conflicts related to the holidays and vacations. "I'm just guessing ... but it's not an ideal [time]. I would expect, based on what I know from the courts, that it's probably going to be sometime next year." Lynch, 44, has been arraigned on one count of felony assault with intent to cause great bodily injury and one count of elder abuse under circumstances likely to produce great bodily harm or death. Authorities say he walked into the center's reception area the afternoon of May 10, 2010, asked to speak to Father Jerold Lindner. He said he had a death notification about a member of the priest's family and then allegedly assaulted him. He has pleaded not guilty to both charges.
Link (here) to the full report.

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