Tuesday, September 6, 2011

St. Ignatius Of Loyola Preached On The Ten Commandments

Ignatius of Loyola addressed those who indulged in the luxuries of life, and a vain display in jewels and dress; above all, he tried to repress a style of feminine adornment which he thought unsuitable to Christian decorum. The women listened with delight and remorse; they wept, they mended their ways; the over-obtrusive charms were hidden, the vain decorations cast away.
On each of the ten days that come between Ascension Day and Pentecost, Ignatius spoke in the evening on one of the ten commandments; and on the Pentecost, it was said, the Holy Spirit descended into many hearts. 
When he had preached on the taking of God's name in vain, all oaths and impieties of speech became odious, and were heard no more. Women who had led bad lives now devoted themselves to penance and works of piety; some of these made long pilgrimages on foot, some practised a more safe devotion by attending to the sick poor in the hospitals. All strove to convert their companions in sin.
Link (here) to Ignatius Loyola and the Early Jesuits.

1 comment:

  1. Women who had led bad lives now devoted themselves to penance and works of piety

    Worked for me :) lol


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