Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Bread Of Life

The propagators of certain dangerous opinions, who called themselves the Illuminati, had been lately discovered and condemned in Spain. Besides, a great and terrible movement was beginning to distract all Europe. Luther, with his piercing and passionate voice, was stirring up the minds of men, and disseminating his pestilent doctrines. His works, read, commented on, and reproduced under a thousand forms, animated all Germany against the Papacy. In Spain the Inquisition watched with extreme care over the preservation of the Catholic faith. Meanwhile, it was a strange spectacle to see these men and women, belonging to every rank, assembling in an hospital round this Ignatius, who hardly knew the rules of grammar ! Things went so far, that Doctor Alonzo Sanchez, canon of St. Just, on one occasion publicly refused the Communion to Ignatius and his companions, reproaching them with making too familiar a use of holy things. But shortly after, no doubt enlightened from on high, he distributed the bread of life to them, and experienced at that moment so sweet a feeling of devotion, that he could hardly restrain his tears. The same day, he begged Ignatius to dine with him, and after hearing him speak upon spiritual subjects, respected him as a saint.

Link (here) to the History of the life and institute of St. Ignatius de Loyola ..., Volume 1 By Fr. Daniello Bartoli, S.J.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. Faith is the only thing that people can hold on to. Com

  2. Very good read sometimes people need to think on the the things they do in life. Pasko is near and people should leaarn how to give to the less fortunate


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