Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ignatius Was Made To Run The Gauntlet

In the beginning of 1528 Ignatius Loyola had come to Paris, driving before him his faithful ass laden with his books. He had first begun his studies at the College Montaigu; but in 1529 he had taken up his residence in Ste. Barbe. 
His residence in this College is connected with an incident which is at once illustrative of his own spirit, and of the manners of the time. Loyola had come to Paris for the purpose of study; but he could not resist the temptation to make converts to his great mission. 
Among these converts was a Spaniard named Amador, a promising student in philosophy in Ste. Barbe. This Amador Loyola had transformed from a diligent student into a visionary as wild as himself, to the immense indignation of the university, and especially of his own countrymen. About the same time Loyola craved permission to attend Ste. Barbe as a student of philosophy. He was admitted on the express condition that he should make no attempt on the consciences of his fellows. Loyola kept his word as far as Amador was concerned, but he could not resist the temptation to communicate his visions to others. 
The regent thrice warned him of what would be the result, and at length made his complaint to the principal. Gouvea was furious, and gave orders that next day Loyola should be subjected to the most disgraceful punishment the College could inflict. This running of the gauntlet, known as la salle,was administered in the following manner. 
After dinner, when all the scholars were present, the masters, each with his ferule in his hand, ranged themselves in a double row. The delinquent, stripped to the waist, was then made to pass between them, receiving a blow across the shoulders from each. This was the ignominious punishment to which Loyola, then in his fortieth year, as a member of the College, was bound to submit.
Link (here) to to the mentioned portion of the book entitled, George Buchanan, humanist and reformer: a biography By Peter Hume Brown

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