There was, among the Benedictine monks of Montserrat, a man of eminent wisdom and sanctity. He was a Frenchman, called John Chanones; he was chief confessor to the pilgrims, and the tender care of Almighty God brought Ignatius to his side. To him Ignatius revealed his aspirations after a life of austerity.
He confessed with the most edifying contrition, and he asked for rules for the guidance of his future conduct. The holy monk confirmed him in his designs, and did all that he required. In the evening, carrying his pilgrim's dress, he went out to find a poor man, to whom he could give his clothes, the rich and costly garments which he had determined never to wear any more.
He found a poor man, and, taking off his clothes, bestowed them upon him; then, slipping on the sackcloth garment, and binding his girdle round him, he returned to the monastery. Entering the church, he recollected how the heroes in the romances he had read watched whole nights in their arms. The soldier of Christ would do this in the spirit of holiness. He remained in the church before the altar of the Blessed Virgin, sometimes standing and sometimes kneeling, devoting himself to Jesus and to her, and praying for grace and strength to serve them faithfully. Then he hung up his sword on a pillar by the altar, and so let the world go, and gave himself to God; and in these pious dispositions, early in the morning, he received holy communion.
Link (here) to the mentioned portion of the book, The Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola by Gertrude Parsons
Thanks for your article, quite useful piece of writing.