Monday, July 11, 2011


I winced and thought back to my own years on the Hilltop, when I briefly crossed paths with then-grad student John DeGioia. He was serving, believe it or not, as teaching assistant to Hadley Arkes, the professor whose powerful moral teachings – based on reason, not revelation – led my younger, atheist self to oppose abortion. 
Which only makes things sadder today, because one rather doubts that DeGioia will ever be able to plead invincible ignorance regarding the Church’s moral teachings – teachings which receive scant respect from DeGioia’s supposedly Catholic and Jesuit university.
My favorite example on this score is Melissa Bradley, class of ’89, now serving on the Board of Governors of the Alumni Association. While Ms. Martino of Notre Dame merely contributed to EMILY’s List, Ms. Bradley actually serves on the board of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, which last year alone poured over $2 million into the election of candidates fighting for same-sex marriage and, of course, abortion. (The Victory Fund explicitly requires every candidate it endorses to “demonstrate support of federal, state or local efforts to safeguard privacy and reproductive rights.”) And that’s just one of Ms. Bradley’s achievements in her spare time. At her day job, she is CEO of the Tides Foundation, a public charity that donates millions to support what Pope John Paul II called the “culture of death.” Among their 2010 grants alone, one finds NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation ($39,385), Center for Reproductive Rights ($12,500), California Latinas for Reproductive Justice ($440,000), Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice ($322,500), etc. etc. 
Link (here) to the full story, Hoyas Whip The Irish at The Catholic Thing

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