Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Jesuit Refused Bodyguards

Father John Hardon, S.J. was a friend of Father Alfred Kunz, the canon lawyer and Diocese of Madison, Wis., priest whose 1998 murder remains unsolved
Father Kunz reportedly had been working on cases involving clergy misconduct and the h@mosexual network, and Father Hardon, who was interviewed by investigators for several hours, is said to have told associates that he believed the murder was connected to the corrupt element in the Church. 
Some of those who were close to Father Hardon even wanted to provide him with bodyguards, but he refused. Also of note: He reportedly believed the case would not be solved.
Link (here) to read Matt Abbott's full article at Renew America
Photo is of Fr. John Hardon, S.J. located (here)


  1. Welcome back! We know why he never accepted body guards. He prayed for martyrdom. We thank you, dear God, for the gift of of this gentle, true son of Ignatius, Fr. Hardon.

    Prayer for the Glorification of
    Fr. John A. Hardon, S. J.

    We thank you, O Lord! for having blessed your Church with the untiring service of your priest, John Hardon.

    May he, from heaven, continue his mission and obtain for us the strength and the intelligence to proclaim and defend the truth with genuine fidelity to the Catholic Faith and the charity he drew from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    Grant us, we pray, the favors we ask through his intercession and raise him to the honors of the altar. Amen.

    His Eminence,
    Edouard Cardinal Gagnon, P.S.S.

  2. He could have gone to El Salvador instead of sitting in an air conditioned rectory in Michigan.

  3. Right. he could have become a Marxist. If only you had told him.

  4. So if a guy with Fr Hardon's creds (according to Maria) is sent to or chooses to go to a place like El Salvador as part of his mission, he will become a Marxist? Doesn't say much about the priest, I guess.

  5. It will not truly have success, I feel like this.


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