Tuesday, July 26, 2011

In 2011, the Society of Jesus in the United States ordained 11 men to the priesthood. 
Read about them (here)


  1. Does anyone know how this number compares to past years? (Recent history)

  2. Just as pitiful as the previous years. New Orleans as usual showing its strength by producing more ordinations than the others.

  3. Supernatural geneology. Holy priests produce holy priests. Unholy priests produce sin and garner no vocations. Sodomy doesn't insprire the love of God.

  4. @Anon 12.20 More Fr Hard-on quotes from the lovely and always charming 'Maria'.

  5. Saint Peter Damian on the Sin of Sodomy

    "Without fail, it brings death to the body and destruction to the soul. It pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the mind, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, and gives entrance to the devil, the stimulator of lust. It leads to error, totally removes truth from the deluded mind ... It opens up hell and closes the gates of paradise ... It is this vice that violates temperance, slays modesty, strangles chastity, and slaughters virginity ... It defiles all things, sullies all things, pollutes all things ...

    "This vice excludes a man from the assembled choir of the Church ... it separates the soul from God to associate it with demons. This utterly diseased queen of Sodom renders him who obeys the laws of her tyranny infamous to men and odious to GodÖ She strips her knights of the armor of virtue, exposing them to be pierced by the spears of every vice ... She humiliates her slave in the church and condemns him in court; she defiles him in secret and dishonors him in public; she gnaws at his conscience like a worm and consumes his flesh like fire. ... this unfortunate man (he) is deprived of all moral sense, his memory fails, and the mind's vision is darkened. Unmindful of God, he also forgets his own identity. This disease erodes the foundation of faith, saps the vitality of hope, dissolves the bond of love. It makes way with justice, demolishes fortitude, removes temperance, and blunts the edge of prudence. Shall I say more?"

  6. @Anon 2.46 p.m. Maria -- why the shroud of anonymity all of a sudden?

  7. "Shall I say more?"

    No. In fact, he wrote too much--why the obsession with this? Sounds like Michelle Bachmann's hubby. . .

  8. @anon 1:56

    What did Father Hardon do to you? Why the hate?

    @anon 1:22

    This is dead on Catholic teaching....I take it you can't handle the truth if you have take a shot at some prez candidate's spouse in response to a saint's writing on somodites.

    Somodites need to understand this and this so called "obsession" is an act of charity, just like calling out the behavior of a wife-beater or drug addict. I am a sinner, too...and welcome when someone offers correction to me out of concern for my soul.

    (I am anon, too, so I am part of the "anon" problem...but non the anon that posted the quote from St Peter Damian)

  9. It's not "hate."

    Maria is arrogant in her hijacking of the comments sections of this & other websites. She should develop her own Fr. Hardon tribute website.

    The quotes she provides are lengthy and often tangential at best to the issue at hand. After reading this slosh for a couple of years I can honestly state that Fr. H. isn't a compelling religious figure.

  10. It seems homosexual Jesuits are their confreres are the only ones so hot and bothered by Fr. Hardon. Good to remember: "If any man preach to you a Gospel other than the one that you received, let him be anathema". And, that is not Fr. Hardon. Should we meet peaceably the foreign gospel preached by homosexual priests and their pals?

  11. It seems homosexual Jesuits and their confreres are the only ones so hot and bothered by Fr. Hardon. Good to remember: "If any man preach to you a Gospel other than the one that you received, let him be anathema". And, that is not Fr. Hardon. Should we meet peaceably the foreign gospel preached by homosexual priests and their pals?
    As seems evident at this site,and others, the days of the Society tearing apart the Church w/ impunity are over.

  12. y 29, 2011 12:00 PM

    Did you know? "sins against chastity lead to sins against charity". More idiocy from Fr. Hardon, a non-compelling religious figure. Not to worry. Rome did not concur. He was, and is, a Servant of God. He doesn't need your approval. He has God, the Saints and the angels on his side.

    PS He did not pray to become a "compelling religious figure". He prayed daily for martyrdom. If the conduct of Jesuits online, and to which I have been subject, is any evidence, surely his prayers were answered. I am surprised he didn't ask to be burned at the stake.

  13. "He prayed daily for martyrdom."

    Just to be clear: Fr. H. lived out his priestly life in relative comfort of air-conditioned rectories, right? How was he planning to become a martyr? Getting criticized on a blog posthumously doesn't do it. If he was hoping for martyrdom he could have put himself in more danger while he was actually living.

    I well-understand that the dear deceased padre is a "Servant of God." I just don't find his spiritual writings to be meaningful (perhaps it is Maria and her recent "Anonymous" friend's manner of presenting his ideas?).

    As for the obsession with homosexuality on this website, I wonder if all the attention doesn't reveal a bit of suppressed same-sex attraction?! Calling Dr. Marcus Bachmann. . .

  14. When sodomy in the Society began destroying children, Jesuit universities, vocations, the Society itself and finally, the Church, it became OUR obsession. Some of us will not cease until "this utterly diseased queen of Sodom" is squashed.

    Oh, by the way, when you have finished writing the Catholic Catechism, a Catholic dictionary,written retreats and commentary on your knees in an effort to convert others, traveled non-stop for forty or fifty years proclaiming the the true Gospel, been the spiritual directors of several religious orders, gotten to know a few Saints in the making, been shunned by the Society to whom you have given your life, for crime of preaching the truth, we can then have a conversation about Fr. Hardon. Until then, I am not much interested in listening to your insults.


  15. "Until then, I am not much interested in listening to your insults."

    How silly. Of course I can state my opinion about Fr. Hardon. BTW, I did not make the statement about "praying for martyrdom"-- I just thought it was a load of posturing.

    As for not resting "until "this utterly diseased queen of Sodom" is squashed" I wonder: is this your take-away from the New Testament message of love?

  16. "@anon 1:56

    What did Father Hardon do to you? Why the hate?"
    I don't hate Fr Hard-on. I just find it odd that every single one of your posts is a cut and paste from something he wrote. And 9 out of 10 times it's focused on homosexuality, to the point that I and others wonder: are you trying to 'pray the gay away' in this case your personal issues concerning it? Are you or someone you love gay and you're having difficulty coming to terms with that? Please seek professional help.

  17. LOL. Either we are all afflicted with the disease of homophobia or we are all really just suppressed and conflicted homosexuals. It is not I need of professional help.

  18. Right on, Anonymous 8:35 a.m.!

    If Maria doesn't start a Fr. Hardon tribute website soon I'm going to do it--and she may not like the results.

    --Anony. 11:22 p.m.

  19. The Catholic Church's Secret Gay Cabal

    "John C. Favalora is a sallow old man who looks like the corpse of Dom DeLuise. He likes attractive young men to sit on his lap and allegedly treats them to trips in the Florida Keys. He was, until recently, part owner of a company that makes "all natural" boner-inducing beverages. He's also the Archbishop Emeritus of Miami.
    Favalora, who was the most powerful Catholic official in Southern Florida from 1994 until last year, stands accused of cultivating what one group of pissed-off Catholics describes as a corrupt "homosexual superculture" in the 195 churches, schools, missions, seminaries, and universities that constitute the Miami Archdiocese. If their allegations are to be believed, for sixteen years Favalora ran his organization like the don of a lavender mob, rewarding his favorite homosexual sons and forgiving their many indiscretions—rampant sex, hedonism, embezzlement, alcoholism, and the railroading of chaste priests among them—while punishing those with the temerity to complain".

    You can read the rest here, if you've sufficient fortitude, at:



  20. As for not resting "until "this utterly diseased queen of Sodom" is squashed" I wonder: is this your take-away from the New Testament message of love?


  21. I think it's hilarious that I've just been introduced to gawker.com by a woman who is also a Father Hardon groupie. Priceless. It's like those guys who say they only read Playboy for the articles.

  22. From Abbey Roads Blog:

    Miami vice: Catholic Church leaders accused of operating a gay mafia.
    I saw the story late last night on Pewsitters - they picked up the story from Gawkers. Disturbing story? Yes. Surprising? No.

    See Abbey Roads blog.

    PS If I am a groupie of Fr. Hardon's, then wouldn't that make Fr. Hardon a rock star? He was a Jesuit, not Mick Jagger, mon frere.

  23. I love it--Fr. Hardon is the character to some weird conservative religious porno.

  24. Maria -- I think peoples' frustration with your posts is that blog comment sections are intended to be just that: comments on the blog post. Instead, you cut and past texts from Father Hardon. Sometimes, these texts have little or nothing to do with the original post. When people ask you about it, your typical, knee-jerk reaction is 'why the hate?' I doubt very much anyone 'hates' Father Hardon. Instead, I would ask: don't YOU have any opinions on the blog posts? Or do you simply channel them through the late Father Hardon.


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