Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Prelude To WWII

The Moscow corespondent of the "Daily Telegraph" says that although, "Isvestia" accuses Church leaders of trying to sabotage the Soviet general election, it is difficult to understand how they could influence the elections at all, except by persuading people not to vote, since, broadly speaking, all candidates will run unopposed. 
Since the arrests of the archbishops and bishops charged with treason against the state, Joseph Stalin's campaign against the Church is being intensified. It is alleged that emissaries sent from Rome by The Society of Jesus to organize secret Jesuit groups to spy on and murder Soviet leaders.
The Bishop of Smolensk is been accused of administering strychnine to local party leaders. 
Link (here) to read the original article in the November 25, 1937 edition of the Sidney Morning Herald


  1. I remember talking to Jesuits who were quite candid about taking sides in politics. Gun running. Monetary support. Spying. And I'm not talking about WWII.

    As I said before, when the Pope chooses to remove those who question the laws of the Church, it is the Jesuits who should understand.

  2. Tony D,
    Do you have any topics or subjects you would be interested in?

  3. Joseph,

    I’ve enjoyed your blog for years now – and I’m always surprised by the variety of interesting articles you somehow find. From my perspective, you don’t need to change anything.

    As for me, I’m always interested in what things the Jesuits are doing now, and why. While often misguided, the Jesuits combine intellectual skills with a deep dedication to service to God. That means that they represent a unique asset to this existence. If they could find some way to do the things that God would have them do – instead of clinging to the past - there is the potential for much greater service to God. There are things that they can do that other priests can’t – or won’t.

    But if you don’t change anything, I’ll still be reading for as long as I’m able.



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