Friday, June 3, 2011

A New Chancellor For Santa Clara University.

Fr. William Rewak, S.J.
A priest blocked by the Vatican from becoming president of the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley in 1997 over doctrinal concerns has been named chancellor of Santa Clara University.  
The Jesuit-run university announced in an April 26 news release that Fr. William Rewak, S.J., a previous president at SCU, had been named chancellor by university president Fr. Michael E. Engh, S.J.  In 1997, Fr. Rewak had been tapped as president of the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, 
but the Holy See blocked his appointment, citing writings by Fr. Rewak that had appeared in SCU publications in the 1970s and 1980s on dissent from Church teaching, women’s ordination and clerical celibacy, among others. 
Link (here) to the full article at California Catholic Daily 

Fr. Edward Glynn, provincial superior for the Society of Jesus in Maryland, was barred from becoming president of the Jesuit-owned Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, Mass, despite strong support from the school's faculty and boards. Other Jesuits barred in recent years from serving as administrators or members of pontifical faculties at Weston or Berkeley were Frs. Michael Buckley and David Hollenbach, both former theological advisers to U.S. bishops, and Fr. John Baldovin, a professor at Berkeley. 
Link (here)


  1. The Pope doesn't want priests who question the laws of the Church.

    So this is happening for political reasons, not the stated reasons. For Jesuits, the goal should not be schism. So the Jesuits should consider the Church to have done the right thing in blocking Fr.Rewak’s appointment. And the Jesuits should consider Santa Clara to have done the wrong thing in naming Fr.Rewak Chancellor.

    This is not about God. This is about politics. The Jesuits should be those who are capable of understanding that.

  2. The Jesuits don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks, least of all the Vatican. Am I really telling you something you and the other readers of this blog don't already know?

  3. @TonyD teaching theology and being an administrator are two entirely different things. Why do you conflate them?

    Even Ignatius of Loyola had problems with the Inquisition.

  4. Being the teacher of theology of dissent means that you impact many students at a College and University. Being the administrator of dissent means that you impact all the students, policies and practices of a university. Somehow I think the magnitude of the appointment is far greater. The Vatican cannot do anything so this is a very "in your face" move on the part of the University from my point of view. I'm a graduate of a Jesuit College and I'm an associate professor in a public one. I find it sad.

  5. The sadness will continue because dissent is continually taught to authentic vocations of faithful men in the Jesuit formation system, this contributes to the spoiled vocations. Dissent (Liberation Theology, Modernism, Tielhardism and DeMelloism)is the root cause of the vocation crisis within the Society of Jesus.

  6. Anonymous 12:05PM -- I'm just saying that the Pope doesn't want any priests who question the laws of the Church. That is his position, not mine.

  7. @TonyD If the Pope's words are to be taken at face value, he doesn't want people to put fealty to his opinions above their own conscience. That, of course, is how cults work.

    Church history is full of the lives of saints who defied church authorities, to be posthumously vindicated.

    This persecuted Jesuit is infinitely less disgusting than Cardinal Law, that Prince of the Church.

    You missionary for the Pope's position.

  8. I would use a slightly different word, disagree is different than disloyal, however dissent is disloyal. The Pope doesn't like disloyal clergy.

  9. Anonymous 9:02am,

    The Pope is taking a political position when insisting that priests don't question the laws of the Church. Just today, the Pope announced his support for Croatia's bid to enter the EU. Now it's my turn to ask: Why conflate two entirely different things?

    My defense of the Pope's position does not reflect my own values -- except in recognizing that the Pope represents a community and is exercising his judgment on behalf of that community. The Jesuits are part of that community.

    And, since our "neighbors" include community, I feel an obligation to support the Pope's position.

    This is not about God, except in my personal response.


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