Thursday, June 23, 2011


Suicide’s legalization has been advocated by prominent professors in Catholic universities including Georgetown, Marquette, Santa Clara, and Boston College. It is a particular irony that the bishops’ statement comes this year, even as the bishops are quietly reviewing the implementation of Vatican guidelines for Catholic higher education in the 1990 constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae.
The professors’ efforts came to light during a Cardinal Newman Society investigation in 2005, following news reports of a legal brief filed by 55 bioethicists in opposition to “Terri’s Law,” a Florida measure that empowered Gov. Jeb Bush to ensure that the comatose Terri Schiavo received water and nutrition. 
As reported in “Teaching Euthanasia,” an exclusive report in the June 2005 issue of Crisis, multiple professors at Catholic universities had taken positions on end-of-life issues that seemed to conflict with Vatican teaching.
Link (here) to the full article at Crisis Magazine


  1. Suicide’s legalization has been advocated by prominent professors in Catholic universities including Georgetown, Marquette, Santa Clara, and Boston College.

    One has to read this several times for the full effect to take hold.

    "To make Jesus Christ reign in the world, nothing is more necessary than holiness in the clegy".
    --St. Pius X

  2. That is a great quote Maria from St Pius X. So true!!

  3. Hardon talks about "supernatural geneology", for e.g., holy priests make holy priests. Dissenting, unfaithful, disobedient priests make dissenting, unfaithful disobedient priests. The Jesuits have been very productive, in this regard, haven't they, Andrew?


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