Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tertainship Changes

Fr. Thomas H. Smolich, S.J.
After completing theological studies and some years of ministry, Jesuits complete their formal formation of prayer, guidance and studies with tertianship, a time of spiritual renewal and ministry with the poor. 
After the tertianship period, the Jesuit is called to final vows in the Society of Jesus. In a May 6th letter to all U.S. Jesuits, Jesuit Conference President Father Thomas H. Smolich announced a change to tertianship procedure, with the creation of a national tertianship program. 
This transitions away from current practice of tertainship programs being coordinated by each province.
Link (here) to read the full piece at


  1. I’ve noticed that arguments for immigration are usually very constrained. That is, options have not been explored. Usually, the justification is helping some potential immigrant, or helping the country to which they are immigrating. But, while there may be occasional justification for immigration, such arguments ignore that there are many ways to help people – ways which don’t require that you bring people under your authority.

  2. I totally match with everything you've written.


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