Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Distributing The 166 Million Dollars

Native Americans who reported s@xual abuse at Jesuit-run schools are telling their stories to court-appointed reviewers as part of an effort to determine how to distribute a $166.1 million settlement reached last month with an order of Jesuit priests. Some of the interviews happened in Great Falls last week, while others have taken place in Missoula and Polson. "It's hard. These are very difficult stories," attorney Andrew Chasan of Boise, Idaho, told the Great Falls Tribune for a story published April 28. "This may be only the second or third time they've told this story in their lives." The settlement money will be distributed among more than 450 claimants based on the severity of the abuse they suffered and other factors, he said.
Link (here) to the full AP story

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