Thursday, April 14, 2011

Planned Parenthood At Seattle University

On March 23, President Stephen Sundborg, S.J., received an open letter from the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) and Students for Life of America (SFLA) urging him to end Seattle University's relationship with Planned Parenthood.The Virginia-based CNS monitors Catholic institutions of higher education to determine how closely individual colleges and universities adhere to the teachings of the Catholic Church. SFLA offers college students funding, training and support to start their own pro-life groups on their respective campuses.
Along with CNS and SLFA, 14 other pro-life and Christian group leaders from around the country signed the letter. Their main concern with Planned Parenthood is that some of its locations provide abortions. 
"Promoting and glorifying Planned Parenthood and other abortion organizations on any campus is unacceptable, most especially on a Catholic campus," 
said Kristin Hawkins, executive director for SFLA, in a press release on the CNS website. While short, the letter quickly outlined its qualms. "The University refers students to Planned Parenthood for ‘sexual health' services, allows and promotes student internships with Planned Parenthood, hires employees with past experience at Planned Parenthood, and honors students for their past work with Planned Parenthood," the letter read.
Link (here) to read the full article at The Spectator

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