Saturday, April 16, 2011

Marquette University Professor On Teachings Of The Catholic Church

Fr. Bryan Massingale
Rev. Bryan Massingale, a priest with the archdiocese of Milwaukee and an associate professor of moral theology at Catholic, Jesuit-run Marquette University, and Sr. Simone Campbell, executive director of NETWORK, a Catholic social justice lobby, 
both spoke at a recent event for a group that advocates “full equality” for h@mosexuals. At the event the pair were confronted by a reporter with CNS News, who asked the priest whether he agrees with the Catholic Church’s teaching on h@mosexuality – a question that the priest demurred from answering. 
The March 30 event on Capitol Hill was hosted by a group called “Equally Blessed” which describes itself as “a coalition of faithful Catholics who support full equality for le@bian, g@y, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people both in the church and in civil society,”
Link (here) to read the full interview of Fr. Brian.

1 comment:

  1. This is not surprising. He got his "start" under Archbishop Weakland. He was then encouraged by the now president of the Conference of Bishops, Archbishop Timothy Dolan. When Wisconsin had a referendum to define marriage as between a man and a woman, Massingale wrote three articles for the diocesan paper saying how this would be discriminatory against our "sisters and brothers." He also gave lectures in parishes around the diocese on this same topic. Lucky, the people had more sense. Then Dolan allowed him to go to Marquette to teach and Dolan got promoted to NY....Who is not getting why the people are confused?


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