Monday, April 4, 2011

Marble Statue

It is located at the chapel of Catholic Jesuit run Seattle University. And it is called Gratia Plena (Full of Grace).
It is made from one single slab of Cararra marble with some gold leafing. According to the Seattle University website, 
Steven Heilmer, associate professor of art at Greenville College, in Greenville, Illinois, created the piece and said: "I wanted to take a life-sized block of Cararra marble and carve a flowing stream of milk." 
If you and I are in anyway similar, to be told that this object is supposed to be a statue of Our Lady is a shock.
Link (here) to America needs Fatima blog.


  1. March 23, 2011
    Rev. Stephen V. Sundborg,SJ
    President Seattle University
    901 12th Ave.Seattle, WA 98122-1090

    Dear Father Sundborg,

    It has come to the attention of The Cardinal Newman Society and Students for Life of America²who are joinedby the Catholic and pro-life leaders listed below²that SeattleUniversity has many disturbing ties to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortionprovider in theUnited States. In addition, the University¶s website encourages student involvement in pro-abortion organizations that directly oppose Catholic teaching.The University refers students to Planned Parenthood for ³sexual health´ services, allowsand promotes student internships with Planned Parenthood, hires employees with past experiencewith Planned Parenthood and highlights that experience on the University¶s website, and honorsstudents for their past work with Planned Parenthood. Please see the enclosed summary of information that was gathered from public data on the Seattle University website.Trusting in your commitment to Catholic education and your concern for the dignity of all human life,we urge you to sever any ties to pro-abortion organizations and to institutepolicies that would prevent further cooperation with such organizations, includingreferrals.We also urge you to institute policies that would prevent employment or any sort of honor for an individual who formerly worked or volunteered for Planned Parenthoodoranother pro-abortion organization and has not publicly disavowed such prior work.

    With prayers for you and Seattle University, we are,

    Sincerely yours,

    Patrick J. Reilly, President Kristan Hawkins, Executive Director The Cardinal Newman Society Students for Life of AmericaJoined by (according to written endorsement):Austin RusePresidentCatholic Family and Human Rights Institute

    *This is what Mary looks like when Jesuits lead others to the sin of contraception and abortion*.

    And, without shame, they tell us: The Society is "pro-life". File and store for pro-life March 2012.

  2. Goodness, there is really much worthwhile information above!


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