Monday, April 11, 2011

Creepy Nicaraguan Communist Priest Has A New Book Of Creepy Poetry To Be Read At Xavier University

Diocesan Father Ernesto Cardenal, one of the greatest living poets from Latin America, is a priest from Nicaragua. He was an active member of the Sandinista movement. As minister of culture he was also one of three priests to hold a position in the Sandinista government. The Academic Service Learning Semesters and Voices of Solidarity will be hosting a bilingual poetry reading to introduce Fr. Cardenal's latest book: The Origin of Species and Other Poems. The event will take place in the afternoon on April 16th at Xavier University.
Link (here) to Ten Reasons to read the full post.
Hat Tip to Tancred (here) 

Watch a German Newscast of Pope John Paul II laying into Fr. Cardenal on the tarmac (here)
Some History of the Sandinista's in Nicaragua 

Nicaragua Executions Put at 500-1,000 [PDF]
Mass executions started within weeks of the Sandinista takeover.
Jose Esteban Gonzalez, Remember Nicaragua [PDF]
Nicaragua’s leading human rights activist on Sandinista persecution and terror.
New Regime, Old Methods
Inside Communist Nicaragua: The Miguel Bolanos Transcripts [PDF]
Defectors accuse the Sandinistas of atrocities in Nicaragua and aggression throughout Central America.
Inside the Sandinista Regime: A Special Investigator’s Perspective [PDF]
Defector Describes “Bloody,” “Corrupt” Regime [PDF]
A former high-ranking official explains how the Sandinistas murdered thousands.
Alfred G. Cuzan, Sandinista Goals Were Evident Long Ago [PDF]
Alfred G. Cuzan, The Nicaraguan Revolution: From Autocracy to Totalitarian Dictatorship? [PDF]
John Norton Moore, The Secret War in Central America and the Future of World Order [PDF, 5 MB]
Comprehensive record of the Sandinista role in provoking violence and war throughout the region.
J. Michael Waller, Will Sandinistas Face Justice?
J. Michael Waller, Tropical Chekists: The Sandinista Secret Police Legacy in Nicaragua
How the Sandinistas tried to build a police state through torture, rape, mutilation and murder. 
Link (here) to Paul Bagdonor


  1. Really, a new low for this blog: "creepy"?

  2. Really effective info, lots of thanks for the article.


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