Friday, April 8, 2011

As Peers Of A Jesuit Institution

Fr. Patrick Howell, S.J.
In a campus-wide email sent Mar. 25, Seattle University stated "the university and the Oregon Province are legally and financially separate and independent entities." The case has stirred up a great deal of controversy across campus with students and staff. In a separate message sent to students from Fr. Patrick Howell, S.J. on Mar. 28, Howell encouraged students to pray for the abused and their families. As peers of a Jesuit institution, Howell stated, we must not "lose sight of the victims" and continue to focus on reconciliation and the protection of children. 
"We need to focus not so much on Jesuits and what's happening to Seattle U, but the victims and care for victims and how we're going to address that in the future," Howell said. "We need to focus on how we're going to keep children protected." 
According to the university's official statement, Seattle U was in no way involved with the abuse happening under the Oregon Province, but does cite a handful of claims against two former Jesuits at Seattle U, both of whom are now deceased.
Link (here) to read the full article.

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