The Three Companions. Created by Spokane artist Vincent De Felice, a 1986 graduate of Gonzaga Prep, the 13-foot-tall statue shows St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and Blessed Peter Faber, the founders of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits. “It’s the focal point of our campus, we are a Jesuit school and St. Ignatius is recognized as the founder of the society,” said Jennifer Doolittle, development director at Gonzaga Prep. “Vincent De Felice offered to do a statue for us and we suggested this idea to him.” De Felice is the senior artistic director at North by Northwest Productions, and he has created other well-known bronze sculptures in Spokane: the one of Joe Albi, sitting at the Joe Albi Stadium and also the Gonzaga University bulldog. “This is the finest piece of sculpture I have seen on a Jesuit campus anywhere, and I’ve seen a few,” said Al Falkner, president of Gonzaga Prep, at the blessing. “There’s nothing we can create through technology that can measure up with this.”
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Thank you for the article, really useful data.