Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saint Ignatius On The Devil

Ignatius himself, in his famous "Spiritual Exercises," records the most abominable opinion that can positively be entertained of woman, for he positively compares the devil to woman, saying: 
"Our enemy imitates the nature and manner of woman, as to her weakness and forwardness; for, as a woman, quarrelling with her husband, if she sees him with erect and firm aspect, ready to resist her, instantly loses courage, and turns on her heels: but if she perceive he is timid and inclined to slink off, her audacity knows no bounds, and she pounces upon him ferociously—thus the devil," 
Such then were the Jesuit means "to prevent temptations" They were necessary in the awful circumstances. For we must consider who and what these Jesuits were, if we would form an adequate idea of their temptations. Then, by the Constitutions, as well as by history, they were vigorous, talented, handsome men. They were men of insinuating manners and honeyed speech, and they were unapproachable by profession, bachelors by necessity—two painful facts, and tending to excite the liveliest sympathies in those whom they were compelled to dragoon in the confessional, and abuse in the hours of recreation.
Link (here) to the portion of the book The History of Jesuits

1 comment:

  1. Joe:
    His meditation on the Two Standards is a masterpiece and has been one of my very favorites since my discovery of Fr. Hardon. He really understood the Enemy, didn't he? He understood sin.


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