Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jesuit Says, “Do Your Job, Which Is To Proclaim The Good News,”

Catholic life in Indonesia has become decadent as a result of the local Church’s neglect of catechism and evangelization, according to a Jesuit priest. “Catechism and evangelization have become major problems for the Catholic Church,” Jesuit Father Telephorus Krispurwana Cahyadi told 52 catechists from Jakarta archdiocese. He pointed to a growing number of divorces among young couples as a prime example. Catechists must pay serious attention to their task in teaching the Catholic faith he told the gathering organized by the diocesan commission on catechetic at the archdiocese’s hall on March 19. “Do your job, which is to proclaim the Good News,” he urged. The lecturer at the Jesuit-run Driyarkara School of Philosophy in Jakarta voiced concerned over Catholics seemingly concerning themselves over the Church’s appearance rather than the liturgy that develops a meaningful relationship with God.
Link (here) to UCAN

1 comment:

  1. Teaching the Catechism to the Faithful is very important. This will hopefully help to limit the number of divorces and other actions that go against the Magisterium.


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