Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fr. James Martin, S.J. On Women's Ordination and Jesuits Sitting In Chairs

The second half of the Jesuit Fr. James Martin's talk was devoted to Q&A, and he fielded topics ranging from women's ordination to why he left G.E. He also explained how important it is for Catholics and non-Catholics alike to realize that there is a humorous side to religion. He recounted the story of Nathaniel in the Gospel of John, who upon hearing that Jesus was from Nazareth asked, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" "By discussing the importance of humor in faith, Fr. Martin brought up a point very few others have, and one that gives Catholicism a less-serious twist," Jacob Torpey, FCRH '13, said. Before concluding his talk to sign copies of his books, he told several of his favorite jokes regarding Jesuits, one of which involved heaven-bound priests and nuns from different religious orders being summoned to God, who from His throne asked each one, "What do you believe?" According to Martin, the Jesuit said, "I believe you're sitting in my chair."
Link (here) to read the full article at Fordham's Ram


  1. An unserious priest giving an unserious presentation. Little wonder.

  2. Fr. Martin, if only advising people to "do what your best self would do", isn't explaining that we aren't consciously able to define our goals and define our measures. Those are defined by God.

    We don't define our own measures, which some might describe as "slavery", since this existence is dynamically constructed for lessons and movement toward perfection as defined by God.

    There are many more serious implications of being God's creation. But if we can't even get to this basic understanding, perhaps it is a waste of time to try to explain more.

  3. More specifically, exhorting isn’t the same as teaching. So exhorting to be your “best self” isn’t the same as teaching someone that there are values they don’t yet possess – perhaps appropriate humility, empathy, calmness, or judgment based on those values. We all fall short.

    And, while there is nothing wrong with advising someone to be their “best self”, you don’t really need a priest to give such advise. So there is an “opportunity cost” associated with delivering such a message.

  4. The Church has always suffered from disobedient clergy. Fr. Martin leads many souls away - he will be judged accordingly.


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