Monday, March 7, 2011

Fr. Fredrick Copleston, S.J. On Good And Bad

Fr. Fredrick Copleston, S.J.
In his debate with the atheist Bertrand Russell, the Jesuit and philosopher Frederick Copleston looked at Russell and asked, “Lord Russell, do you believe in good and bad?” Russell replied, “Yes”
Copleston continued, “How do you differentiate between good and bad?” Russell replied, “The same way I differentiate between blue and green or yellow and green.” Copleston then said, “Wait a minute, you differentiate between yellow and green by seeing don’t you?” 
Russell said, “Yes”. So Copleston challenged him by asking, “How do you differentiate between good and bad?” Russell replied, “I differentiate on those matters on the basis of my feelings, what else?”
Link (here) to the full blog post at Caleb's Path by Robin Schumacher

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