Thursday, March 24, 2011

Communist Rable Rousers

A crowd of 15 students and activists gathered at the Mortara Center on Wednesday evening to protest a speech by former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez, rekindling the demonstrations that punctuated his arrival on campus and continued throughout the fall semester. Uribe's appointment as a Distinguished Scholar in the Practice of Global Leadership in the School of Foreign Service last year sparked ire from the Adios Uribe coalition, which claims that Uribe was responsible for large-scale human rights abuses during his presidency.
Hoisting signs that read "Desecrating Jesuit Values" and "Generating Bad Press for Georgetown," the protesters were forced to stay on the sidewalk across from the center, which is located at 36th and O Streets, by Department of Public Safety officers and members of the event staff.
Link (here) to read the full story.

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