Saturday, March 26, 2011

450 Victims Divided By $166,100,000.00 Equals $370,000.00 Per Victim

 A Yakima law firm takes on the largest religious order settlement in history; resulting in Northwest Jesuits to pay $166.1 million to abuse victims. The settlement involves approximately 450 victims who were sexually abused as children by Jesuit Missionaries in Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana and Oregon between the 1940's and 1990's. This is the largest settlement between a religious order and sexual abuse victims in the history of the United States, paying $166.1 million. The settlement will also require the Jesuits to provide a written apology to the victims, and produce documents regarding their knowledge of the abuse that took place on their watch. Attorney Bryan Smith with Tamaki Law described the settlement Friday against the Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus, based in Portland, OR. The majority of the abuse took place in Jesuit operated mission schools, boarding schools, and on Indian reservations in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Some Jesuits abused children while stationed in dioceses throughout the Northwest.
Link (here) to read the rest of the story at KNDO
Read about the 40 Jesuits implicated in the lawsuit (here).


  1. "About 33 percent to 40 percent of the settlement will go to lawyers' fees, attorneys said."

  2. This is one instance where I believe the lawyers earned every damn penny.

  3. Great to see the useful details also about the apology to the victims, and produce documents regarding their knowledge of the abuse,is a great news to know and the settlement is seems to be the best and absolutely useful too,so great thing that you share some useful and great sort of news.



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