Thursday, March 3, 2011

2,500 Pro-Lifers Protest Jesuit Seattle University

Seattle University, a Jesuit Catholic college in Seattle, Washington, is offering its students the opportunity to intern at Planned Parenthood in order to fulfill the degree requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in Public Affairs.
According to the University’s website, public affairs majors are required to participate in an internship with a public or nonprofit organization. The website provides a list of 29 such organizations with whom public affairs students can intern, among them Planned Parenthood of Western Washington. The University also boasts a Woman’s Studies Department, whose website encourages students to consider volunteering with women’s organizations such as the Feminist Majority Foundation, the National Organization for Women, and the University sponsored organization Seattle University Society of Feminists. The pro-life organization TFP Student Action is urging pro-life supporters to sign a protest petition addressed to Seattle University President Fr. Stephen Sundborg, SJ.  The petition, which has collected 2,500 signatures within four hours of being posted on the organization’s website, urges Fr. Sundborg to remove Planned Parenthood and all other pro-abortion groups from the University’s website. 
Link (here) to Lifesite to read the full article


  1. Please change the photo.
    The photo is not of Seattle University but rather Drumheller Fountain at the University of Washington in Seattle.

  2. Haven't you heard? The Society is 'pro-life'?

    I have suggested that you file and store this posts for the next March for Life blog fest. I am serious, Joseph. These posts should be itemized. When the Jesuits whine next year, as they invariably will, and ask us to believe that they are 'pro-life', we shall have our eveidence to the contrary, readily available.

  3. Thanks for catching the picture, it is now correct.

  4. I read once that the only way religious universities can get any sort of federal funding for stuff is to allow this kind of crap on campus. Not sure if it's true, though. You'd think considering how expensive Jesuit universities are, they wouldn't have to go to Uncle Sam with hat in hand...

  5. 2,500 on-line signatures isn't squat.

  6. I agree with the petition and its goals.

    On one level, this is about pro-lifers asking a Jesuit university to remain faithful to the Magisterium, which is commendable.

    On another level, though, it's about the TPF, which largely recruits in rural and less affluent areas, finding a way to one up Seattle U, which will hardly predominantly recruit in rural and less affluent areas, about bucolics showing it to city slickers. This, of course, is a bit of a comedy.


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