Tuesday, February 1, 2011

St. Stanislaus Seminary From 1823 Until 1971 In Florissant, Missouri

St. Stanislaus Seminary 1928
The 999 acre historical St. Stanislaus Seminary which was originally started in 1823 in the then Louisiana Territory by 8 Belgian Jesuit missionaries, including Father Pierre-Jean De Smet, under the encouragement of Bishop DuBourg and President James Monroe. This mission first started as just a log cabin residence and an Indian School near the present intersection of Howdershell and Charbonier Roads in historic Florissant, Missouri. In 1840 the log cabins were replaced with a four level stone building which became the longest running Jesuit novitiate in the United States until 1971. In 1971 most of the property was sold to United Pentecostal Church International and the historic stone building became the Museum of Western Jesuit Missions. Part of the property sold contained 351 Jesuit burials which were supposedly exhumed and moved to nearby Calvary Cemetery. This left 121 burials remaining at this historic Jesuit location including the oldest grave sites, some of which were located upon an old Native American burial mound. 
Link (here) to the full article at Haunted America Tours.

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