Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Love Is In The Air For Valentines

Noticed the Cardinal Newman Society's post today about the distribution of "G@y? Fine by me" t-shirts by Gonzaga University and wondered whether our local Xavier University would be doing the same. Not only did XU not disappoint, but they go one better -- devoting an entire week to ... well, read it for yourself
Link (here) to the great Ohio based Catholic blog, Ten Reasons.


  1. Yes. Then young, Jesuit scholastics will whine and say: but we are orthodox, obedient et cetera. Then we are asked to believe that the Society is pro-life. Rememeber this post next year when we are all asked to believe that the Society is pro-life... And, yes, abortion and homosexuality are inextricably linked to one another...

  2. I have been involved in the taking of life.

    If I make “life” the highest value, then I undermine other values that are more important. We have been told the most important commandment.

  3. What on earth is Maria talking about? The post is about Xavier University students wearing t-shirts.

  4. G@Y? FINE BY ME T-SHIRTS by GONZAGA UNIVERSITY. What is there to "get"?

  5. 'Queer Week' presented by Xavier Alliance
    Date: Monday, March 30 — Friday, April 03
    Location: Throughout Campus
    or call 513-807-3074
    Description: A week to embrace and celebrate the use of queer as an inclusive, unifying socio-political term for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight, transsexual, intersexual, gender queer, or anyone else who supports the equality of all identities and expressions. Monday: 1:30 Distribution of ‘Gay, Fine By Me’ T-Shirts on the Greenspace 7pm Candlelight Vigil for Victims of Hate Crimes Tuesday: Queer Awareness Display and Tabling in Gallagher Wednesday: 7pm An academic performance by Kate Bornstein “On Women, Men and the Rest of Us” in Kelley Auditorium Thursday: 7pm Showing of ‘Milk’ with panel discussion in Gallagher Theater Friday: 4pm Same-Sex Hand Holding Day/Solidarity and Closing Ceremonies.

    Does that help? Gonzaga and Xavier are Jesuit institutions. The souls of young people are at stake. The Society has a responsibility to these young people. Not only do they abdicate their responsibilitites as priest, but they lead others into sin. This is what I am talking about...

  6. Great--the TeeShirt Nazis are ready to go into action.


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