Monday, February 7, 2011

Jersey Shore Jesuit

Now I know it is not fair to deny priests their right to be as hip and happening as their hearts desire, but I can’t help but cringe when I think a priest is just going too far with what he has to say. I thought that as someone who was unsure about the merits of Church in the first place, I would favor priests who used lots of outside humor and references to TV and movies to assist in making points about religion.

This really hasn’t been the case. Although sometimes amusing,
I think the humor and levity often goes too far. Take the other night. After reading the Beatitudes, one visiting priest embarked on an exposition of what Beatitudes Jesus might have for today’s society. In explaining that we should all be vehicles of the spirit of God, this priest used Sammi Sweetheart’s actions on last week’s episode of “Jersey Shore” as an example. 
He described the way she planned on leaving the shore house due to her jealousy over Jen and Ronnie’s relationship – but after packing her bags, took a step back and realized what she was doing was crazy. She listened to her cue from God and realized that she is supposed to stay in the house. The priest then discussed Ronnie’s predicament, as he did not know whom to trust since The Situation, DJ Pauly D and Jen all advised him in different ways. The priest’s point with this was that when given conflicting opinions from different sources, stop and listen to only one source – God.
Link (here) to the full article at the Los Angeles Loyolan

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