Friday, February 25, 2011

From The Malicious Enemy Defend Me

“Within in your wounds, hide me,” we are reminded both of the Passion and the Resurrection of Jesus, because in the appearance of the Lord to Thomas, his sacred resurrected body bore the wounds of his crucifixion, whence it is fitting that this prayer was prayed during the elevation of the Body and Blood of Christ in the celebration of the Eucharist. 
I remember being told in our catechism classes to pray the ejaculation, “My Lord and my God,” at the elevation of the Host and Chalice. In fact an indulgence was attached to the recitation of the prayer. I suggest that at the elevation of the Body and Blood of Christ during the institution narrative we might mentally pray the petitions, “Body of Christ, save me, Blood of Christ inebriate me.” 
The Body and Blood are lifted up for our prayerful adoration. The petitions seem a very appropriate response. We would be reaching back across the centuries to the liturgical and spiritual origins of this prayer.

Link (here) to a magnificent article entitled The “Anima Christi” Reconsidered by Fr. Everett A. Diederich, The New Jesuit Review

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