Monday, February 21, 2011

Fr. John D Saint John, S.J. On His Encounters With St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Go (here) to read the supernatural  story of the World War II 
Jesuit military chaplain Fr. John D. Saint John, S.J. and St. Pio of Pietrelcina


  1. Ruffin,the Lutheran minister who wrote this book, was recently on EWTN. Interesting that a Lutheran comes to his defense, huh?

  2. Great book, which i read many times when i was going thru tough time w/foster kids.

    True story: once i was sitting in our bedroom, with my wife, and my daughter walked in - first my wife, then my daughter, then myself noticed a sweet tobacco smell - subtle - coming and going...where did it come from? My daughter was really freaked out. I happened to be reading this biography at the time and opened at random and read that a visitation by Padre Pio was sometimes accompanied by a sweet tobacco smell.


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