Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fr. Cornelius A Lapide, S.J. "There Is But One Sacrifice Of Christ"

In the words of the Jesuit commentator, Fr. Cornelius a Lapide, on Heb: vii., 27: "There is but one sacrifice of Christ which is an expiation, redemption and satisfaction for all sins, viz: the Sacrifice of the Cross. By it Christ offered a price sufficient for the guilt and debt of all sins which ever had been, or thenceforth should be, committed. 
But the Mass is a sacrifice not of redemption and satisfaction, but for the application of the redemption and satisfaction of Christ finished upon the cross. For in the Mass we offer no price for sin, but we apply to ourselves the price and ransom paid upon the cross. 
We apply this by Baptism, by the other Sacraments and by good works."
Link (here) to the original Anglican text

1 comment:

    Encyclical of His Holiness Pope Pius XII On the Sacred Liturgy November 20, 1947

    Just finished reading the above. So beautiful...


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