Monday, January 17, 2011

Old Issues Resurface

According to the Tampa Police Department, a man in 2002 accused Monsignor Norman Balthazar and another priest of s@xually assaulting him in 1971. The victim said he was 9 at the time and an altar boy at Christ the King. The state declined to press charges. The other priest had died by the time the victim came forward, according to police. Besides Balthazar, two other Christ the King priests were accused of molestation dating back to the 1980s SNAP said. Murphy said Christ the King's current pastor, 
Father David Toups, ran an announcement about the allegations against the Rev. Jan Sanders, a visiting Danish Jesuit during the 1980s,
in June's church bulletin, asking people to come forward with concerns.
Link (here) to the full St. Petersburg Times article.

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