Wednesday, December 1, 2010

There May Be Other Victims

Jesuit officials in Maryland are looking into allegations that a Jesuit with ties to Scranton Preparatory School, the University of Scranton and St. Thomas More Church in Lake Ariel s@xally abused minors while in Scranton. The Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus, in a news release, said it was seeking information about possible "abuse of minors" by the Rev. Neil McLaughlin "during his ministry in Scranton." According to Jesuit officials in Maryland, the Rev. McLaughlin has "disclosed that there may be other victims of similar s@xual misconduct in the Diocese of Scranton." The Rev. McLaughlin taught at Scranton Prep from 1961 to 1983 and held various administrative jobs with the Alumni Association at the University of Scranton, including Alumni Chaplain from 2002 through 2006, the news release said.

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