Friday, December 17, 2010

Finally Suspended

Fr. Paul Carrier, S.J.
A Jesuit order has suspended the Rev. Paul Carrier from performing any religious duties while it investigates his relationships with students while serving at Fairfield University.But the Society of Jesus New England Province, Carrier's order, is not the only group investigating his actions at Fairfield University. Stanley A. Twardy Jr., Connecticut's former U.S. Attorney and now a partner in Day Pitney, a Stamford law firm, said he and his firm have been hired by Fairfield University to look into Carrier's actions at the school. Carrier served two stints encompassing 20 years at Fairfield, first as an instructor and then as chaplain and director of campus ministry. He was transferred from the school in 2008 at about the same time federal investigators began digging into allegations of sexual abuse at a Haitian school operated by Douglas Perlitz, Carrier's prize student.


  1. For 20 years, Fr. Paul Carrier had a near monopoly of the spiritual development of thousands of students at Farfield University.

    I can scarcely imagine how much spiritual damage and deformed theology was inflicted upon these student.

    Parents sent tens of thousands of dollars so their children could enjoy the benefits of a Catholic education. They deserve better.

  2. In other Jesuit sex abuse news, alleged serial sex abuser Jesuit Fr. Jerold Lindner, with $2 million paid in sex abuse settlements and TESOL qualifications (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages), may have had five decades of Boy Scout affiliation from the 1950s and into the 1990s. Lindner joined the Boy Scouts in the 1950s and had a troop of 75 Boy Scouts in 1962 when he was only 18. Lindner advanced to be the Boy Scout Chaplain for the Catholic Committee on Scouting, Los Angles Area Council in 1994.

    I hope 1994 was the final year in which Fr. Lindner was involved with Boy Scouts.

    Lindner is a Jesuit Brophy College Prepatory (Phoenix) alum. Lindner taught teens at Jesuit Loyola High, Los Angeles for 15-years starting in the 1980s. Lindner then reportedly received a master's degree in linguistics at San Jose State University in 2000 and tutored seminarians in the Los Angeles and San Francisco vicinity.

    Lindner is in the news recently because he had a confrontation with a person he is alleged to have abused 35-years ago and the other person was arrested.

    Man pleads not guilty to beating Los Gatos priest he says molested him 12/07/2010

  3. I seriously doubt that Doug Perlitz was the only young man with whom Fr. Carrier had a sexual relationship.

  4. Check Carrier's file from his Boston College days, there's stuff from there.

  5. Lots of unsubstantiated (and anonymous) accusations about Fr. Carrier but little about the good work he has done at Fairfield and, yes, in spite of the betrayel, what he tried to do in Haiti. He is a GOOD man and a holy one, and is not guilty of anything but possibly being duped by a con man. Who among us can say we are better or wiser?


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