Monday, November 15, 2010

This Is The World We Live In

"After mass, I used to hug kids. No way am I going to hug a kid now," the Rev. Thomas Reese, a Jesuit priest and Catholic commentator, was quoted as saying in the August issue of the Washingtonian magazine. "I mean, if there's a tornado and I see a couple of kids on the sidewalk as I'm driving by, too bad! Lightning? Rain? Sorry, find your own way home. This is the world we live in."
Link (here) to the full article at the Detroit Free Press


  1. Fr. Reese SJ is right to not offer children in a storm a ride...but he could call and pay for a taxi for them. Nor should he hug them or touch them but he could write books for kids.

  2. he should be more careful to his statements, i was depressed to hear a priest like that... was a reaction instead of action to the issue we all face as Catholics..let's pray harder for our clergy...


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