A Jesuit priest has sought anticipatory bail after police in Tamil Nadu registered a r@pe case against him. On Oct. 12, a former nun accused Father Rathinam Rajarathinam, principal of Jesuit-managed St. Joseph’s College in Trichy of r@ping her. She filed a complaint in the All Women Police Station that specializes in crimes against women. According to her case, the priest raped her in 2006 and in 2008 and continuously threatened her not to tell anyone. Father Rajarathinam, who belongs to the Jesuit Madurai province, has since resigned from his post.
Link (here) to read the details of the cases in the lengthy article.
Rape.Abortion. From the malignant enemy, defend me.
Yet another person is Fr. Lawrence D'Souza.
ReplyDeleteHe is a predator who preys (not prays) on women.
He recently consulted one lawyer by name James Arun Kumar who also is an expert at
demanding "favours" from women! Birds of the same feather fly to gether!
Hey! Stop accusing & abusing good people like Fr. Lawrence
ReplyDeleteHe who has not sinned, let him cast the first stone!
It has become a fashion for unscrupulous women to accuse good priests!