Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jesuit Bishop In Vietnam

In a letter to Vietnamese Catholics following the congress, the bishops announced that Archbishop Pierre Nguyen Van Nhon of Ha Noi, 72, will remain president of the conference. Jesuit Bishop Cosma Hoang Van Dat of Bac Ninh was named secretary general, succeeding Archbishop Joseph Ngo Quang Kiet of Ha Noi who stepped down for health problems.
Link (here) CathNews Asia


  1. The article describes how the Bishops received many requests to protect Catholic “property” interests. So, in response, they have set up this Commission for “justice and peace” to foster “holistic” development among people.

    And some doubt the “worldly” aspects of the Catholic Church?

  2. Church property was evidently taken away by the communists. Where is the clergy to live, sleep, eat and gather the faithful, TonyD?

  3. It is appropriate to have material concerns in this existence.

    At the same time, material concerns must be balanced with spiritual obligations.

    Something can be observed to be out of balance -- and that does not invalidate any particular concern -- it only questions the trade-offs being made.

  4. Please...TonyD...get some sleep.

  5. Anonymous,

    When anyone writes comments I take them seriously. I assume that everyone on this blog is serious about trying to understand God and religion. So I try to explain my perspective -- since it is hard-won -- and hope that it may be useful to others. We can respectfully disagree. If I am disrespectful, please let me know.

  6. TonyD -- You are right on this one. I apologize. I trust you will know how to accept it.

  7. There is nothing to forgive. We each serve God as best we can.

  8. I'm sure you think you are serving God, but sin is real and repentance and forgiveness are absolutely necessary.

  9. Yes. Sin is real. Repentance and forgiveness are necessary.

    That does not mean that forgiveness is appropriate for any random action.

    Other considerations come into play.


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