Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Jesuit Digs

The Blessed Peter Faber Jesuit Community, a space dedicated to the formation of Jesuit priests, recently opened on Foster Street. The five buildings that make up the grounds are now home to an international group of 75 Jesuits, whose main apostolate is theological reflection, scholarship and research. Formerly the Weston Jesuit Community, the group includes many students and teachers from the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. Construction of the new community was a partnership between BC and the USA Assistancy of the Society of Jesus; while Boston College owns the physical land and financed the construction project, the Assistancy holds a mortgage on the buildings. Last month, the Jesuits — some of them having lived in Harvard Square for 40 years ‑ moved into their new residence. Beyond a centralized living space, the Faber Community boasts a community library, conference area, administrative space and a chapel that can accommodate a Mass for all residents. The property also has four houses of living space, each equipped with a small chapel, kitchen, living room, dining space and small recreation room.
Link (here) to Boston Chronicle.

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