Saturday, September 25, 2010

Former Jesuit On His Personal Prayer Life

Jerry Brown
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown has some unique credentials as a former Jesuit seminarian -- and takes some unusual questions from the press as a result. In Newark Thursday, talking alternative energy at PetersenDean Roofing and Solar Systems, he was queried about how he reconciles his political ambitions -- as a former two-term governor, who's run for president three times -- with his past in religious life. He said he believes "civic engagement, at its best" can reflect "the Christian commitment to do justice, seek mercy and to be compassionate -- and to create a more just society." Good question from the LA Times, and our very own Shaky Hand Productions was there to bring you right to the campaign trail to hear his complete answer. But Brown, the State Attorney General, wasn't inclined to open up completely to reporters on this theme of religion and spirituality. Asked -- twice -- if he still meditates, Brown said firmly "that's not something I care to discuss."
Link (here) to the San Francisco Chronicle to watch the video

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