Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Outright Rebellion" At Georgetown

A new organization which aims to persuade Catholics to support same-s@x “marriage”—in part by targeting students at Catholic colleges and universities—was co-founded by employees of Georgetown University “ Catholics for Equality represents outright rebellion—‘mutiny’ in the words of one of the group’s founders—in opposition to the U.S. bishops and Catholic doctrine,” wrote Patrick J. Reilly, President of The Cardinal Newman Society, in a letter yesterday to Georgetown President John DeGioia. The Cardinal Newman Society is urging DiGioia to ensure that employees of the Catholic Jesuit university do not participate in the new dissident organization. Rev. Joseph Palacios, (former Jesuit) Assistant Professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Latin American Studies, convened a meeting of 20 activists in January to found Catholics for Equality. Sivagami Subbaraman, Director of Georgetown’s LGBT/Q Resource Center, was one of the founders.
Link (here) to the lengthy piece at The Cardinal Newman Society.


  1. The American Jesuits have largely been in covert rebellion against the Church for the past forty years, so to have lay employees at a Jesuit university finally being overt about what Jesuit schools really promote and stand for is no surprise at all.

  2. Hear, hear. At some point one has to ask: why does Rome permit this desecrattion of our Holy Mother Church...

  3. The Jesuits think they are creating a parallel Church, but they will have disappeared before this happens. Its doomed, and so are they.


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