Friday, August 13, 2010

Indian Jesuit Radio Waves

Each Sunday, as the world stretches its way to a lazy holiday, Fr Eugene Lobo, S.J. at the Indian section of the English programme at Radio Vaticana puts on the headphones and faces the microphone. For 20 minutes as programme host, he reaches out to millions of listeners in English, with endearing stories about people and humanitarian issues. Something he has been doing since Aug 1, 2007. The transition from college campus to broadcast chamber happened by accident, says this former college principal, who was born in 1949 at Neerude village, near Mangalore. "When I retired from St Aloysius College in Mangalore in 2007, there was a request from the Vatican Radio for a Jesuit from our province, and I was asked to take up the assignment. I had no technical knowledge, nor did I know Italian. I became an eager student and in a couple of months, I could handle it." 
Link (here)  to the Times of India.

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