Thursday, August 5, 2010

G-Men And Sailors Meet At Fordham

During World War II, the United States Navy’s 10th Fleet helped coordinate the hunt for German submarines that had been threatening ships in the Atlantic Ocean. On Aug. 4, Capt. Daryl R. Hancock told security experts gathered at Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus that the fleet, which was reactivated last January as “Fleet Cyber Command,” will play a similar role in protecting the nation’s online security.  
“The ocean, just like cyberspace, can be used for peaceful purposes. Industry uses it for trade, for instance. But there are also pirates out on the ocean, and the same thing is true on the Internet,” Hancock said. “So we’ve got to be able to defend our networks in cyberspace.” 
Hancock spoke at the end of the second day of the International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS), a four-day event co-sponsored by the FBI.
Link (here) to the Fordham press release.

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