Monday, August 30, 2010

Fr. James Martin, S.J. On Fr. Philip Endean, S.J.

Very strong words from a leading English Jesuit on the process that led to the new Mass translations, which were approved this week.  Philip Endean, a former editor of "The Way" who now teaches at Oxford, critiques the complicated wrangling over the translations in a hard-hitting article in this week's Tablet, which is available online (here).
Link (here) to America magazines blog, In All Things.

1 comment:

  1. Philip Endean's article in The Tablet was ridiculous. He compares the promulgation of the new Missal as equivalent to the policy of secrecy surrounding clerical child abuse. He also says that the time might come when conscientiously he might not be able to use it liturgically. The first contention is absurd. The second an invitation to spread disunity and division in the celebration of Mass. It is said that this article was first read by three censors and passed. So much for the Jesuits' re-stated fidelity to the Pope prumlgated at the last General Congregation. This is proving to be what many thought, mere window-dressing.


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