Monday, July 19, 2010

The Masses Were Full Of Liturgical Abuses

Awhile ago, I served as sacristan at a Jesuit high school. With no disrespect to the Society of Jesus, you can imagine that the Masses were full of liturgical abuses. After Mass, I was often asked by the campus minister and/or priest to purify the vessels. Also, after every all-school Mass there was always a considerable amount of Precious Blood remaining; when I began to consume the Precious Blood remaining, I was told by the campus minister and priest to 
"just pour it down the sacrarium; that’s what it’s there for."  
Now I knew that purifying vessels was reserved to the priest/deacon, and I wasn’t positive—but fairly sure—that the Precious Blood should not be poured down the sacrarium. But, out of confusion and fear, I did what they asked me to do (only once, however, did I pour the Precious Blood down the sacrarium; after that one time, I refused to). I brought these sins to confession, and received absolution. However, I now fear that I have incurred a greatly penalty than I originally thought. I know it wasn’t intentional, but would this situation still be considered "desecration or profanation of the Blessed Sacrament"). And if so, how would I resolve this?
Link (here) to read Fr. John T. Zulsdoph's full post, his answer and further analysis at What Does The Prayer Really Say ?

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry, but not surprised,that this good young man was put into such a dilemma. Since Vatican II many Jesuits have not only sat lightly to rubrics but have deliberately chosen to celebrate Mass badly to demonstrate that they are free of 'rubricism'. As a result many Masses celebrated by Jesuits are distracting, painful occasions, especially in the United States. Their principle seems to be: don't know, won't learn, don't care.

    It used to be said that while Jesuits were not good at celebrating High Mass (St Ignatius discouraged the practice)they were princes of celebrating Low Mass. With remarkable exceptions, that too has fallen into abeyance.


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