Monday, July 26, 2010

In Lieu Of Taxes.

The Scranton City Council president to task for trying to shake down the University of Scranton in exchange for an aerial easement it needed to build a $33 million dormitory in the 900 block of Mulberry Street. The university pulled its request after its president, the Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., said Mrs. Janet Evans and her council "supermajority" tried to tie approval of the easement to an increase in the university's voluntary annual payment in lieu of taxes. Despite council's attempt to hold the university's project hostage, officials there decided to increase the nonprofit's PILOT payment nearly 60 percent, to $175,000. The university is the city's only major institution making a PILOT payment of any significance. 
Link (here) to read the full op-ed piece in the Time Tribune

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